
Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) is looking for stories 
If you found your way to Alcoholics Anonymous from a doctor, mental health provider, employer or another professional referral, the book “Tales of CPC” wants to share your story. The collection of stories, written entirely by A.A. members, will be available through A.A. channels within Area 10. If you want to share your treatment tale of how you connected with A.A., send it to Marte T., District 11 CPC Chair, at

Virtual Meeting Changes
Starting September 8, Drunks-R-Us will no longer meet virtually on Zoom. Please feel free to attend the meeting in-person. We’ll love to see you!
Lending Library
If you have any extra recovery books lying around, why not donate them to the lending library. The library is located in the hallway between the upstairs meeting room and the kitchen. All newly donated books should be placed in the draw so they are properly labeled.

Looking for a recovery book, please feel free to use the Lending Library.